Abundance Power Pack



(view all individuals parts here: (https://gumroad.com/thetarotpriest)

💰 Removing Financial Limitations (Abundance Series PT. I)💰

This is the beginning of the 4-part live abundance series where The Tarot Priest talks about her journey from homelessness - to - abundance!

We kick off the series with the truth of abundance and the limitations that have been preventing abundance. Everyone has limitations around money, it's the one who is aware of them that becomes abundant. In this video, we discuss hindrances, blocks, and the greater beliefs blocking your money from flowing generously!


  • Bringing awareness to money blockage beliefs
  • Discussion on how to plant ideas (seeds) to grow into money trees
  • The Truth about attracting more money into your life
  • The top 5 limiting beliefs around finances
  • Insight the financial freeing life you were meant to live


  • What is blocking money from flowing freely?
  • What beliefs are hindering my money tree from growing?
  • What financial life were you meant to live?
  • Messages around your destiny and the connection with abundance?

🧲 Attracting Financial Abundance (Abundance Series PT. II) 🧲

“Planting Your Seeds”

Are you planting your seeds (ideas) for them to grow into money trees? This is the beginning of setting the intention to attracting abundance. 🧲

After learning how to remove financial limitations in part 1, we discuss planting your ideas. Allowing them to grow in attracting luxuries and finances. We are indeed the only resistance keeping us from receiving more. An overflow of having more than enough is true abundance!


This is part 2/4 of the live abundance webinar series, although it is not required to watch the previous webinars, it is recommended to understand the process of removing limitations around your finances before attracting. You are already attracting abundance but due to the limitations (weeds) around your seeds, this acts as a hindrance to abundance.


  • The Truth about attracting more money into your life
  • Being open to receiving your stream of income
  • Higher self messages around abundance coming in
  • Messages around your destiny and the connection with the abundance
  • The Truth about who you are and your ability to attract more
  • The process of planting your ideas for them to grow into money trees


  • Where is abundance is flowing in your life?
  • When can you expect a shift in your finances?
  • Higher self messages about attracting more money

🌱  Bringing Your Ideas To Life (Abundance Series PT. III) 🌱 

“Bringing Your Ideas To Life”

Are you trusting in sources to help co-create your ideas? What makes ideas come to life?

After learning about removing your limitations (weeds) and attracting more abundance planting your seeds to remove financial limitations in part 1, we discuss bringing your ideas (seeds) to life, manifesting money trees. 🧲

Starting with a mediation connecting to your true self and dreams, we begin the conversation around messages regarding your ideas. A good friend and Life Coach, Filipe Molerio talks about the journey I had having an instinct that I was famous for 3 years before I became The Tarot Priest.

Ideas indeed come from our imagination, visions, dreams, and feelings of inspiration we receive from our higher self. Your ideas were given to you from the highest source.

We discuss my journey towards bringing my ideas to life and how


  • Every idea is a seed that must be watered - we will discuss this
  • The Creation Process of Growing Your Money Trees
  • The Manifestation Process for Creating a Financial and Fulfilling Life


  • What is preventing your ideas from manifesting?
  • Understanding the truth in how ideas are brought to life
  • Higher self messages about attracting more money
  • Where are your ideas coming from and should you trust them?

🍎🍇 Turning Ideas Into Profit (Abundance Series PT. IV) fruits  🍎🍇 

"Becoming Fruit-Bearing”

After learning how to bring your ideas to life in part three (growing your money trees) it is now time to get these ideas out to the world, sharing the fruit and reaping the rewards!


This is part 4/4 of the abundance webinar series, although it is not required to watch the previous webinars, it is recommended to understand the process of planting your ideas (seeds) and growing your ideas into money trees.

  • Creating fruit-bearing trees
  • How to produce fruits more abundantly
  • The Truth about attracting more money into your life
  • Being open to receiving your stream of income
  • Higher-self messages around abundance coming in
  • Insight to sustain prosperity increase
  • The next path in your career


  • What financial lifestyle were you meant to live?
  • How can you profit from ideas?
  • The next step in your business endeavors

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Abundance Power Pack

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